ARCTOS Solutions

Meetings & Events Management

Connecting Technical Communities.
Enabling Technology Opportunities.

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We’ve been connecting leaders across government, industry, and academia to focus on aerospace and defense technology challenges for more than 50 years.
Because experience matters.

Since we organized our first technical workshop in 1967, ARCTOS has been bringing together the brightest minds with key mission stakeholders to work together to push the art of the possible. Creating sustainable on-ramps for new technologies depends on trust and teamwork across technical disciplines, organizational stovepipes, and geographic boundaries.

With more than 150 years of combined professional experience organizing and executing world-class events focused on aerospace and defense technology, our team includes experts in events planning, IT and database development, website design, apps development, audio/video, and events marketing. Leveraging our proprietary Conference Management System, we provide end-to-end, seamless support from event ideation through successful execution.

From focused webinars and workshops, restricted and classified meetings, hybrid and virtual events, to large technical conferences with 2000+ international attendees, we have the proven experience to foster communication and collaboration across the technical community to meet your organizational goals.

You set the subject matter and goals, and we’ll bring the rest.

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Featured Capability

Ongoing Technical Conference Series

Technological superiority requires regular interaction to develop lasting professional and personal relationships.

ARCTOS has an outstanding track record initiating and sustaining ongoing technical conference series supporting aerospace and defense communities. Our team generally works with government and industry stakeholders to establish overarching goals, target audiences, security restrictions, schedule constraints, and other factors to scope an inaugural or follow-on event series.

Typically, a Memorandum of Agreement may be signed under which government, professional society, or other stakeholders pledge support to participate in the technical committee, while ARCTOS pledges to perform all other functions without direct funding support (i.e., ARCTOS costs are covered by registration fees and industry sponsorships only). This allows maximum flexibility for customers to participate in shaping the technical agenda without jumping funding, contracting, or conference sponsorship hurdles.

ARCTOS works closely with stakeholders on all aspects of each major event (typically held annually or bi-annually), to ensure the event provides maximum impact to help meet agency goals. From call for papers, invited talks, keynote presentations, panel discussions, session chairs, special workshops, etc., stakeholders have ample opportunities to participate directly in the technical exchanges.

Please contact us to discuss how we can energize and synergize technical communities of practice to help meet your organizational goals.

— Mike Fox, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Co-Founder of the Association of Airworthiness Professionals

“I want to acknowledge the excellence that ARCTOS continues to demonstrate in the organization and execution of the annual Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment (AA&S) Conference. [The ARCTOS] staff are truly professional and make each conference a resounding success, even while accommodating concurrent on-site and virtual participants. I consider the AA&S Conference critical to our business because of its unique purpose of bringing domestic and international industry and government airworthiness leaders together … No other professional forum provides this opportunity and service.”

— Don M. Roberts, Chairman, Association of Airworthiness Professionals

“The affiliation between ARCTOS Meetings Management Department and the Association of Airworthiness Professionals (AAP) continues to flourish as the result of a partnership established over several years in presenting the Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment Conference. Jill Jennewine and her great staff provide excellent leadership in planning and execution, which has resulted in solid increases in conference interest and participation.”

— Richard Russell, Technical Fellow, NASA Engineering & Safety Center

“The ARCTOS Meetings Management team is the best!  I’ve been involved with numerous events run by the ARCTOS team and they do a fantastic job!  It doesn’t matter what size your meeting is, they have the staff to fully manage your event. They take care of all the details quickly and professionally!”

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